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Schedule of Events
4 pm: Live Entertainment
4 pm: The Winding Rhodes Band
5:15 pm: Baileigh Rhodes
7:20 pm: Displays Begin
NATIONAL ANTHEM Led by Michael Hudanish (Celestial Displays)
1.4G Pyromusical Pro-Am Led by J3-Josh Gross, Jacob Pierce, and Jeff Ireland
1.4G Pyromusical Pro-Am Led by Dale McDaniel (Helm-Sizzboom Fireworks) and
Danny Bonnano (Mob Scene Fireworks)
1.4G Pyromusical Pro-Am Led by Damon Boger (ZeJus Fireworks)
Special Display by Jeremy Gohlke (Sublime Pyrotechnics)
Drone Show by Sky Elements Drone Shows
Flame Effects and Fireballs Led by Bobby Stites (Gulf Coast Pyrotechnics)
1.3G Pyromusical Led by Greg Hebert (Adventure Fireworks)
1.3G Pyromusical Led by Chris and Beth Stasey (North Texas Pyrotechnics)
1.3G Pyromusical FINALE Led by Zach Huibregtse (Great Plains Pyro)
Special Shells and liquid fuel mines between displays.
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